
Give Gain toGether: A facilitation technique for almost any topic.

Give Gain toGether: A facilitation technique for almost any topic.

Give Gain toGether: A technique to facilitate teambuilding, planning, opening and closing conversations, discussion guidelines … and just about any topic. About ten years ago, I created a technique I call Give Gain toGether for a community goal-setting and action-planning

Intersectionality and facilitation

Intersectionality and facilitation

Intersectionality? Is it a new word for you? One you know well? A way of looking at the world? A tool you use to plan meetings and facilitated sessions? The #yycfacilitators network met online in November 2022 to learn from

Facilitate hybrid sessions … with inspiration from a Christmas Poem!

Facilitate hybrid sessions … with inspiration from a Christmas Poem!

Fun and whimsy to close out 2022! Years ago, I wrote a poem based on “Twas the Night before Christmas” as a tribute to facilitators and the individuals and organizations with whom we work. This year, I had fun updating